Vipps’ Cloud-Native Journey in Azure
Skytjenester - SØ
ons. 27. april 2022
Rebel, Universitetsgata 2 - Oslo
Vipps er kjent for sitt innovative miljø, og har hatt en utrolig spennende Cloud-Native reise ved bruk av blant annet Azure. Sett av tid til å bli med på dette frokostmøtet arrangert av Cloud Computing faggruppa i Dataforeningen der Sven Malvik, Head of Cloud Platform i Vipps, tar oss med inn i Vipps for å snakke litt om reisen deres, og hva de har lært underveis av å jobbe i et cloud-native miljø.
Gratis for medlemmer
Ikke-medlemmer: kr 300,- (ink. mva)
Lett servering inkludert.
Getting started in Azure is simple as most services are just a few clicks away from being operational. Those services that are more complicated to grasp are often taken care of by an expert within your organization; we might call them bottlenecks.
This talk is split into three sections. In the first section you will hear about our growing pains as more developers contributed to Vipps - the past. In the second section you will hear about infrastructure changes we made as we learned more about Azure - the present. Finally, the future, and what we belief is important to focus on.
The target group for this talk is cloud engineers, developers, but also product managers that want to get an idea about working in a cloud-native Azure environment.
Sven Malvik is Head of Cloud Platform at Vipps, Microsoft Azure MVP, and book author of Mastering Azure API Management. He has talked at international conferences such as Microsoft Build, Microsoft Tech X, and NDC, but also at various local Meetups.
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