Webinar: Self-Care for Therapists
Sat 8. February 2025
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Hilsen Styret
20. desember 2024
Velkommen til et inspirerende webinar med Julianne Appel-Opper!
Lørdag 8. februar 2025 kl 9.30-16.30
6 timer PFO kategori B for MNGF
Webinaret er på engelsk.
Det er kun 15 deltagerplasser, så vær rask med bestillingen. Arrangementet kan bli fullt.
En zoom-lenke sendes på e-post til påmeldte et par dager før.
Vi gleder oss!
Styret i Norsk gestaltterapeutforening
About Julianne: http://thelivingbody.de
Les også relevant artikkel i gestaltterapeuten.no: https://gestaltterapeuten.no/2024/04/en-utsatt-profesjon-hvordan-ta-vare-pa-sykepleierne-vare-en-samtale-med-julianne-appel-opper/
...and in english: https://gestaltterapeuten.no/2024/04/the-predicament-of-nurses-an-conversation-with-julianne-appel-opper-about-taking-care-of-our-nurses/
Julianne says this about the webinar:
With this webinar, I wish to give us all a safe space in which we can openly explore our own self-care and how we resonate with saying “No” and “Yes” from a bodily perspective. The bodily impact of traumatic communication in our work will be highlighted and how we can take care of our bodies during, after our sessions and at the end of our working day. The power of atmospheres in our work will be looked into. We will explore how we can look for resources which nourish us as a living body. With imagination and other creative ways, we will explore the colors of our lives and how to take care of them.
Over the years, I have developed various physical exercises to look after our own bodies. In this webinar, I wish to pass on these exercises to you. So, our time together can be a mixture of these physical self-care exercises, breathing exercises, supervision, experiential work, role play, and let’s see what you will be bringing.