Risk and innovation, can they co-exist?
tir. 31. mai 2022
Business and technology leaders face the challenge of being innovative and risk-conscious at the same time. The efforts in increasing diverse and face-paced environment through innovation can introduce or mitigate risk. Timing, cost, scalability, maturity, people, culture and uncertainty, are among factors which typically are balanced in the risk-gain consideration. This interactive talk will address the following key questions:
- What is innovation-risk?
- Why do we care?
- Who needs to care?
- How to set a proper risk appetite?
- How to balance risk and innovation for resiliency?
- Case Study example.
- Aida Omerovic
- Asif Gill
Aida is an expert in risk management, information security and technology innovation. She has over 20 years track record as a practitioner and researcher from public and private sectors in Europe. Aida works closely with technology-heavy SMBs from several domains (energy, transport, finance and media), on enabling their digital transformation. She also actively disseminates best practices and research as a speaker/author/educator. She has published a textbook and 40+ peer-reviewed scientific articles. She also serves in several public posts, fostering collaboration between professional and research communities. Aida is founder/CEO (STELLOC) and associate professor (NTNU). Her previous roles include: consultant, technology leader and research scientist/director. Aida holds an MSc in Engineering Cybernetics from NTNU, and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Oslo.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aidaomerovic
Asif is associate professor and director of the DigiSAS Lab at the University of Technology Sydney. He is working with several large, SMEs and start-ups in Australia and helping them with their digital strategy, architecture, and innovation journey. He is a member of the ACS Data Sharing Committee, DAMA, ISACA, Standards Australia Systems Engineering Committee (IT-015).
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/asifqumer/
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